Last year, in The Lancet , Jeffrey Koplan and colleagues 1 provided a new definition for global health and proposed several distinctions between global health .
Viewpoint www.thelancet.com Vol 373 1 Towards a common definition of global health Jeffrey P Koplan, T Christopher Bond, Michael H Merson, K Srinath Reddy, Mario .
Towards a common defi nition of global health Towards a common definition of . Towards a common defi nition of global health Jeff . of the environment, the control of Lancet .
The Lancet Global Mental Health Series is comprised of six articles that summarise:
OVERVIEW AND DEFINITIONS. The Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health Initiative is led by the U.S. . iv Lancet Global Mental Health Group. (2007). Scale up services for .
Towards a common definition of global health. By - Prof Jeffrey P Koplan MD, T Christopher Bond PhD, Prof Michael H Merson MD,
Prof K Srinath Reddy MD, Prof Mario .
^Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet. 2009;373:1993-1995. ^ Macfarlane SB, Jacobs M, Kaaya EE. In the name of global health: trends in academic institutions.
Viewpoint www.thelancet.com Vol 373 June 6, 2009 1993 Towards a common defi nition of global health Je! rey P Koplan, T Christopher Bond, Michael H Merson, K Srinath .
We adopt the definition set out by the Consortium of global health definition
global health definition lancet
lancet Universities for Global Health: . et al. Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet .
1. Lancet. 2009 Jun 6;373(9679):1993-5. Epub 2009 Jun 1. Towards a common definition of global health. Koplan JP, Bond TC, Merson MH, Reddy KS, Rodriguez MH .
. all people worldwide.
Towards a common definition of global health. Lancet. 2009 Jun 6; 373(9679):1993-5. [Lancet. 2009] Global health is public health. Lancet. 2010 Feb 13; 375(9714 .
In a commentary in the Lancet, experts raise this question, and offer a definition of global health. Likewise, the authors discuss what it means for global health to be .
As the Lancet
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