Bert Rogers, Mayor Pro Tem Don Albanese, Councilmember Talmadge Austin, Councilmember Billy Neal, Councilmember Christopher Duque, City Manager
Austin City Council today unanimously elected Council Member Brewster McCracken to the position of Mayor Pro Tem, replacing outgoing Council Member Betty Dunkerley, who retired austin mayor pro tem .
Bill earned a BBA and MBA in Statistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1967 . Mayor Pro-Tem Fisher was first elected as Ward 1 Council Member in May, 2007 and
then re .
. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department), Chief Charles Hooker (Pflugerville Police Department), Mayor Lee Leffingwell (City of Austin), Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez (City of Austin .
Lloyd Austin
City Council Place 2, Mayor Pro Tem. .. . Mike Martinez was elected in May of 2009 to the City Council Place 2 position and was inaugurated on June 22 austin mayor pro tem of the same year.
Austin Council Members To Propose Arizona Boycott. Austin, Texas
We know all about Austin and keeping it weird, but what about Willco? This blog will . The mayor and mayor pro tem are chosen by the five-member council to serve.
Zelda Auslander, Mayor Pro Tem, Congregation Agudas Achim of Congregation Agudas Achim''s . Rob's work with Dell and later chose to stay here with AMD for their love of Austin .
An article yesterday about the poisoning of a notable tree in Texas misidentified the Mayor of Austin. He is Lee Cooke. Sally Shipman is Mayor Pro Tem.
. Birmingham city attorney, said Councilwoman Carole Smitherman also should have abstained because of her previous role as acting mayor.Smitherman voted for Austin for pro tem .
JCRC 2009 Austin Mayor and City Council Candidate Forum . He is followed closely by Mayor Pro-Tem
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